About The Fair l Samsun Construction Fair

Organized by TÜYAP Tüm Fuarcılık, the SAMSUN CONSTRUCTION FAIR at the Tüyap Samsun Fair and Congress Center brings together industry professionals. The fair will showcase the latest developments in building, construction materials, plumbing, heating, cooling, ventilation, and natural gas technologies to industry professionals. With the participation of companies producing safe and durable structures, the fair will host purchasing delegations from both domestic and international markets. Don't miss this key event for the construction sector in the region; stay updated on the latest innovations for healthy structures and new opportunities!Samsun Construction Fair Information
Dates: May 22-25; 2025
Location: Samsun - Türkiye
Venue: Tüyap Samsun Exhibition and Congress Center
5 reasons for visit
The Place of the Construction İndustry in Türkiye
The construction sector in Türkiye stands out as a significant driving force for economic growth. The dynamic populatiton structure, ongoing urban renewal projects, infrastructure investments, and the continuous incease in housing demand contribute to the strenght of Turkey’s construction sector. The ındustry attracts attention with innovative projecst, structures built to international standarts and sustainable construction practices. In this context, the construction sector in Türkiye emerges as an integral part of economic growth and modernization.